MID Server Script Include – Default Script

If you’ve worked with MID Server Script Includes, you’ll know how frustrating it is that the script does not auto populate with a default script when you set the name of the MID Server Script Include. Below you’ll find a simple client script, based on the ServiceNow provided script for platform Script Includes. You should create this in the Global scope.

NameMake default script
TableMID Server Script Include [ecc_agent_script_include]
UI TypeDesktop
Field nameName
Isolate scriptFalse


function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading, isTemplate) {
	if (isLoading || newValue == '')

	// workaround for the fact that oldValue always comes in as the ORIGINAL value...
	if (window._lastNameChangedTo)
		oldValue = window._lastNameChangedTo;
	window._lastNameChangedTo = newValue;

	var script = '' + g_form.getValue('script');

	// if there's already a script here, just fix the names...
	if (script) {
		//Make sure there's an old value to replace or else it will replace every character
		//with the new value
		if (oldValue !== '')
			script = script.replace(new RegExp(oldValue, 'g'), newValue);
	} else {
		script = 'var ' + newValue + ' = Class.create();\n';
		script += newValue + '.prototype = {\n';
		script += '    initialize: function() {\n';
		script += '    },\n\n';
		script += '    type: \'' + newValue + '\'\n';
		script += '};';
	g_form.setValue('script', script);

Alternatively, you can use the link below to download an update set that contains this Client Script for you.

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